you are amazing

You are perfect whole and complete. You are amazing and loved. Only love is real, all else is illusion of thought and mind.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bliss, inner satisfaction, and peace to you


Only love is real, all else is illusion of thought and mind. Hello beautiful, you are the answer to your happiness. People come and go, but you will be with yourself for the rest of your life. Be your own best friend. You can always brighten your own day. Just as you can always brighten someone elses day. Live the magic of your hearts desires, anything is possible. Trust and know that everything is happening for your highest good. The love you give out will always return to you multiplied. Happiness is your birth right. Focus on the greatness in life and all the beauty, bliss and joy. Think of the positive things in life. Spread the love of life to others. Let it flow through your soul... Miracles Happen. And you are amazing and loved. Worry is pointless. LOVE TO YOU... (A miracle is a personal moment of understanding, an awareness that helps you transform from within.)
Keep scrolling down, there are another 2 posts to view.... More bliss to you...

Your happy successful destiny is unavoidable...

Only love is real all else is illusion of thought and mind. May the joy of your hearts desires come true, and they will. I send you love and wish you peace of mind and happiness in your heart. You are perfect, whole and complete. Miracles Happen and anything is possible. I wish for your wishes to come true, and for you to glow with a bliss and harmony that no one else can touch or change. Happiness is your birth right. Practice random acts of kindness. Believe and know that everything will work out for the best... for your highest good. Everything happens in perfect time, sequence and space. life is an opportunity. love to you...

Only love is real, all else is illusion of thought and mind.

Blessings to you... your happy, successful destiny is unavoidable.

Worry is pointless. Everything happens in perfect time, sequence and space.

Focus on positivity and happiness, detach from negativity and see opportunity in every challenge. Everything you need to know, you will find, is always revealed to you.